The SCR Family of Customizable Processor IP

State-of-the-art, synthesizable microprocessor core IP with RISC-V ISA: from the minimalistic MCU core for the deeply-embedded applications to the 1GHz+ Linux-capable application cores with SMP support.

Stable, silicon-proven, competitive, available for evaluation

The SCR family includes nine cores, targeted at wide range of embedded applications: SCR1, SCR3, SCR4, SCR5, SCR6 and SCR7 with more designs on the company roadmap.

  • SCR1 Compact 32-bit MCU core for deeply embedded applications and accelerator control. Open-sourced under the permissive SHL license, which allows commercial use
  • SCR3 Mid-range MCU core with privilege modes and MPU (32 or 64 bit)
  • SCR4 MCU core with high-performance FPU (32 or 64 bit)
  • SCR6 High-performance multicore embedded MCU with rich memory features
  • SCR5 Entry-level APU/embedded core with Linux and SMP configurations support
  • SCR7 Efficient mid-range 64bit APU core with SMP up to 8-16 cores

The SCR cores have competitive features and deliver impressive performance at low power already in the baseline configurations. On the top, Syntacore provides a one-stop workload-specific processor customization service to enable customer designs differentiation via significant performance and efficiency boost. Industry-standard interfacing options support (AHB, AXI4, ACE) enables seamless integration with existing designs.

Easy evaluation and simplified licensing

Our simplified licensing terms are helping to create silicon products faster and at lower costs. Zero-overhead evaluation with technical support is available. Contact us for further details.